Posts tagged Recent
How the Aid and Development Industry Enables Sexual Abusers

Sexual predators know they can take advantage of the industry’s opaque and byzantine investigative procedures, its lack of follow up with complainants and general nonchalant disposition towards incidents of sexual abuse to perpetrate and perpetuate their nefarious activities unhampered.

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When We Were Birds|Ayanna Lloyd Banwo

One part magical realism, one part crime thriller, one part romance, and rendered entirely in patois, Banwo's debut novel—set in a fictional Trinidad—follows Emmanuel Darwin and Yejide St Bernard on separate paths to self-discovery that eventually lead them to each other, thanks to their disparate connection to death.

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The Book of Night Women|Marlon James

Women lead the way in this historical novel set in eighteenth century Jamaica, which follows Lilith—the youngest and newest addition to the group of rebellion-plotting enslaved women who meet under the cover of darkness—as she strives to reach beyond the boundaries of the brutish life reserved for slaves on the sugar plantation of Montpelier.

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